Contributors | ||||
Table Of Contents
Table of Contents |
- This document will outline the steps necessary to get your platform integrated with the Connector platform, which will 'connect' your platform with multiple other 3rd-party platforms with no additional effort.
- This document assumes you know what the Connector is and does not include an overview of it (please see “Connector – Overview.docx”)
- The Connector is currently (as of April 2012) considered to be in version 1 complete. This means that the system should be stable, but there will be missing features that are scheduled to be implemented in future stages (see appendix). Email me (Collin) if you encounter any issues. Thanks.
- Currently (April 2012) there is no security (i.e. username/password) on the web service calls. This will obviously change soon but for now it is simply ‘security through obscurity’ in the sense that the GUIDs provide a level of security because they effectively cannot be guessed
Status | ||||
- client_id and club_id are not currently mandatory as the Connector (incorrectly) assumes that each 3rd party system is a SAS with GUIDs
- 'uuid' above should be 'record_id'
Code Block | ||||
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<user> <providerInfo> <identifier>PROVIDER_ID</identifier> <clientID>xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</clientID> <clubID>xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</clubID> <recordID>xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</recordID> </providerInfo> <userInfo> <firstname>Foo</firstname> <lastname>Bar</lastname> <birthdate>1972-03-12</birthdate> <gender>M</gender> <userStatus>ACTIVE</userStatus> <userType>PROSPECT</userType> <address1>1234 Fake St</address1> <address2>Apartment 1a</address2> <city>Spuzzum</city> <zipcode>12345</zipcode> <state>WA</state> <country>US</country> <mobile>555-555-5555</mobile> <email>foo@bar.com</email> <homePhone>555-666-6666</homePhone> <workPhone>555-777-7777</workPhone> <company>Acme Widgets</company> <createdBy>INTOUCH</createdBy> <createdDate>2012-04-10T04:11:07.023Z</createdDate> <modifiedBy>INTOUCH</modifiedBy> <modifiedDate>2012-04-10T04:11:07.023Z</modifiedDate> </userInfo> </user> |
- The client ID number in your system
- The club ID numbers in your system (1 for every club)
- Connection information (not required for full SaaS platforms)
- IP
- Username/Password
- Scheme (http/s)
- Any custom configuration options built into the Connector for your platform
Security Additional security features will be built into phase 2 each version of the Connector. Each system making calls to the Connector will Future features will include
- Security token - each system integrating will have to provide a security token so that we know its really you
- Username & password - each system making calls to the Connector will require a username & password
- Per club access - in order to make calls to a particular client or club, access will have to be enabled
Future Phases
Version 2
- Security