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Permissions allow you to determine the level of access that various staff roles have to InTouch FollowUp functionality. InTouch is already set up with default permissions that fit 90% of all clubs, but each club is unique and you can customize each role’s access.
How to access Permissions to view or make changes
- Go to the Admin Tab
- Select Permissions .... This tab is located on the blue bar between Staff and Transfer. If you see Staff and Transfer, but not Permissions, this means that you do not have the ability (or permission) to edit Permissions.
- Click Edit to the right of an existing permission or click New Permission from the Admin Links Menu on the left
- Make the appropriate changes (see definitions below)
Click Save
Note: Staff will need to log out and log back in in order to see the permission change.
Definitions/Explanations of Permissions
Set Schedule
- Full Permissions = Staff member can view all staff calendars, set their own hours, and set other staff member calendars.
- Can set their own schedule = Staff member has the ability to only set his/her own hours.
- Hide = Staff member does not have the ability to set his/her own hours and Set Schedule tab is not visible to staff member. Someone with full permissions must set his/her schedule.
Lead/Ownership Rights
- Hide = User does not have the ability to add any leads or view the opportunities tab.
- Show = User can add leads and view the opportunities tab.
Allow to view or own leads
- View All Without Owning = This role can view all leads in your InTouch site, but cannot be assigned a lead (cannot be a Lead Owner). Often used for Desk Staff, Club Owners, and sometimes GMs. Restricting lead ownership to only the appropriate staff roles reduces human error of assigning a lead to the wrong person this preventing leads from falling through the cracks.
- View My Leads Only = Can only view his/her own Leads. Lead names will still be shown in the duplicate checker to avoid duplicate entry.
- View All Leads = Can view all Leads in your InTouch site and can also be assigned a lead (can be a Lead Owner).
Note: Ownership rights are NOT linked to lead transfer rights. It is common for Sales Staff to be able to "View All Leads", but not transfer leads from one lead owner to another. Transferring leads is a separate permission level - see below.
Allow to transfer leads
- Cannot Transfer = This role view does not allow user to transfer any leads to other users.
- My Leads = User has the ability to transfer his/her own leads to another user.
- All Leads = User has the ability to transfer a lead owned by anyone, to another user.
Allow to transfer unassigned leads
Allow to transfer incoming leads
Text Messaging Rights
- None = User does not have the ability to view any text messages.
- Read Mine Only = User only has the ability to read text messages sent to them.
- Read All (must have View All Leads rights) = User can read all text messages sent to the club.
- Read & Respond to Mine Only = User has the ability to both read and respond to text messages sent to him/her only.
- Read & Respond to All = User has the ability to read and respond to all incoming text messages regardless of the owner.
Allow split sale
- Yes = User has the ability to split a membership or Personal Trainer sale between two staff members
- No = User can only have one staff member sell a membership or Personal Training package.
Allow Edit Sales Date: Allows or Denies
- Yes =Allows User to edit the date someone joined.
- No = User cannot edit the date someone joined
Allow to Delete Leads = Allows or Denies
Can edit trial length = Allows or Denies
Drive - Email Messaging Rights (this permission applies only to InTouch Drive. InTouch FollowUp does not have 1:1 email)
- None = User does not have the ability to view any individual email messages.
- Read Mine Only = User only has the ability to read individual email messages sent to them.
- Read All (must have View All Leads rights) = User can read all individual email messages sent to the club, but not send.
- Read & Respond to Mine Only = User has the ability to both read and respond to individual email messages where the user is an owner of the contact.
- Read & Respond to All = User has the ability to read and respond to all individual email messages regardless of the owner.
Allow to own members: This section determines which staff will be listed in the drop-down box when you go to assign a Member Owner in the Make Sale process
- Yes = User can act as a member owner and be assigned Member Retention Follow-Up
- No = User cannot own a member, and cannot be responsible for Retention Follow-Up
- Yes =Allows user access to the reports tab to run reports (and lead/member export CSV files)
- No = Denies user access to the reports tab to run reports (and lead/member export CSV files)
Lost Memberships
This feature is not applicable for majority of clubs and have this set to "Hide". If enabled, it allows you to manually enter the number of lost (cancelled, expired, etc) memberships to calculate your new, lost and net memberships. This feature is NOT linked the Expire Member feature or the ABC Smart Match feature. It is only to manually enter lost members.
- Hide = This tab will be hidden entirely
- Full Permissions = This staff role can both view lost memberships and also make changes
- Read Only View = This tab can be viewed by this staff role, but they cannot make any changes
Guest Log
- Hide = This tab will be hidden. This staff role will not have access to the Daily Log or the Opps Added tabs
- Show = This staff role will have access to the Daily Log or the Opps Added tabs.
- Hide = This tab will be hidden. This staff role will not have access to the Admin tab or any Admin tab features
- Show = This staff role will have access to the Admin tab. Some admin tab features can be restricted, but majority of functions can be viewed and changed.
Can set Permissions
- No = This tab will be hidden in the Admin tab for this staff role. This staff role will not be able to view or change access levels. Staff that have the ability to view the Admin tab, but not adjust permissions will not be able to create a new staff person with a role that is allowed to edit permissions.
- Yes = This staff role can view and adjust what staff are able to access and change in your club's InTouch Follow-Up site.
This permission is seen only in clubs with the InTouch Welcome Kiosk
- View = Can access kiosk functionality, but cannot make any changes
- Edit = Can change kiosk settings (such as how buttons are labeled and your liability waiver)
Assign Staff to Multiple Clubs
This permission is seen only in clubs on InTouch Follow-Up Pro
- Hide = This staff role cannot see which staff have access to multiple InTouch sites
- Full Permissions = This staff role can assign staff to multiple InTouch sites (creating a single login)
- Read Only = This staff role can see which staff have access to multiple InTouch sites, but cannot add themselves or other staff to multiple clubs