Managers Daily Checklist

Managers Daily Checklist

InTouch FollowUp: Managers Daily Checklist (The 5-in-5)

There are five things a manager should do each day to ensure their club's success. All five can be completed in five minutes.

  1. Check your Homepage for Messages and Incoming Leads
  2. Check your Agenda
  3. Check your Staff's Agenda and Overdue Items
  4. Assign Incoming Leads
  5. Check your Favorite Reports

1. Homepage
  • Do you have open calls or appointments today?
  • Look at the What's Happening Board - Is your staff engaged? Do they have any questions you need to answer? Adding positive comments can help provide motivation and it also provides accountability by reminding staff that you use InTouch to oversee their activity.
  • Look at Leads To Be Assigned – you'll need to assign these to staff 

2. Agenda

You already know from your homepage how many appointments or calls you have today, so this won't take long. Check to see what time your appointments are. Or maybe click on tomorrow or monthly and see what's ahead for the next few days. 

3. Staff Agendas (especially look for overdue items!)
  • Does anyone have any overdue items? 1 or 2 days old is okay, but anything older should be addressed (Are they not closing things out or not completing their appointments and calls? Are they overwhelmed with calls?)

  • Sort by completed appointments – what's been happening in your club?
  • Sort by cancelled items – anyone canceling out their calls/appointments?
  • There are several other options to sort by – play with what works best for you and your club!

4. Incoming Leads 

Go to the Leads tab to view new leads that came in through your website, Facebook or inbound text. For lots of new leads, use the bulk transfer. For just a couple leads, it may be easier to open them individually (click the lead's name) and change the Lead Owner from there.

To transfer one at a timeClick the lead's name > Use the drop down arrow next to Lead Owner > Select the new owner > Save

To transfer multiple at a time:

  1. Go to Admin > Transfer
  2. In the Transfer screen, from the Viewing drop down box (left side); choose Incoming Leads.
  3. From the Viewing drop down box (right side), choose the recipient of the incoming lead(s).
  4. Click the arrow in the middle of the screen to transfer the selected leads.

Bonus: While you're still on the Opportunities tab, take a look at all leads. Click through your groups to get an idea of how many active leads have not been in the club, have been in, are on trial, etc. This doesn't need to be an everyday task – maybe just a couple times a week.


5. Reports

Play around for a bit to find YOUR favorite report. Our favorites (and the most popular amongst our clubs) are below!

Daily Guest LogHow many people have been in today? Did they buy? Who saw them? What about yesterday?

Game Play Report – See who's working hard or hardly working. Do you have a competitive staff? Start a challenge to see who can earn the most points.


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