Difference between a Sale and a Member
Difference between a Sale and a Member
Simply put, a member is person and a sale is something they purchase. One member may have multiple sales over the years, or may have both membership and pt sales, but with one member record.
Let me first explain the lead/member lifecycle. When you 'Make Sale' to convert a lead to a member, that new member can now follow up to 3 different followup paths:
- One path is called Referral Sales FollowUp and this would be assigned to you, the Lead Owner. This followup path is designed for the Sales Person to see how your new member is doing, but more importantly for you to ask for new leads such as their friends and family helping you grow your lead base. This path has the shopping cart icon.
- During the Make Sale process, you also select a 'Member Retention Owner'. This follow-up path is designed for someone to followup with the new member for retention purposes. In some clubs, this would be a Manager, Retention Specialist, Fitness Staff, etc. This path has the blue member icon. In some clubs, the sales person is also designated as the Member Owner.
- The third path is when you create a Personal Training lead for a trainer to follow up on. This path has icon with the person lifting weights.
The reason you may have two icons and two calls for the same person are because you are both the Sales/Lead Owner and the Member Retention Owner. If this is true for your whole club and is causing problems for you, please discuss this with your club manager or administrator as there are other options we can assist them with.