Lead/Members Unsubscribe Options for Text, Email and Phone Calls

Unsubscribe Options for Text, Email and Phone Calls

Some leads and members don’t want to (or can’t) receive text messages or your emails so they need a way to opt out of receiving them. There are now several ways leads and members can opt out of receiving emails and/or text messages as follows:

Contact Preferences for each Lead and Member

Use this if a contact calls you and asks you to remove them from your contact list or asks you not to contact them via a specific method. Each contact has a tab labeled Preferences where, depending on your club's country, you can select how the contact does or doesn't want to be contacted: by Text, Email or by Phone on their Home, Work or Mobile numbers.

Note for clubs in the US: To help protect clubs under the US Text Opt-In laws, only the holder of the cell number (i.e. the contact) can subscribe or unsubscribe from your clubs's text services. View "Opt-Out by Text Message Reply" below for more info.

Updated Email Unsubscribe link

All emails that are sent out through InTouch have an Unsubscribe link at the very bottom so users can unsubscribe themselves. This link will show them all of their communication preferences for the club and allow them to update them as they do or don't want to be contacted.

Opt-Out by Text Message Reply

Users can opt themselves out without contacting you so they stop receiving text messages. They simply respond to a text with the words “STOP”. This method will automatically update the lead or member’s Contact Preferences to stop all text messages. To begin receiving text messages again, they can reply again with “START”. "HELP" is a standard message that will send a reply message to the lead/member giving instructions on how to unsubscribe or subscribe via text.