Manager FAQs

Manager FAQs

Click on one of our Frequently Asked Questions from Managers to see the answer.


 How can I delete What's Happening messages?

What's Happening records cannot be deleted as the InTouch system keeps all histories for accurate records.

However, you can always:

  1. Switch the view from All Messages to Unread Messages to keep the area cleaner.
  2. Enter some positive comments, "InTouch Rocks!," or "..." or " " and post to All Staff
 In the Sales Activity Report, how is the tour conversion rate for new leads different from the conversion rate for 1st visit?

A "New Lead" is a Lead Added with any Contact Method EXCEPT Walk-In. So the Tour Conversion rate for New Leads is for any lead that was already a "No Club Visit". Walk-Ins will have their own column where you can see Walk-In sales. To be counted in the Walk-In Sales, the Walk-In has to have joined the same day they came in, otherwise they move over into the Be-Back (or Visited Club) category. The conversion rate for first visit counts both New Leads and Walk-Ins.

 Can users unsubscribe from our emails?

An Unsubscribe link is inserted into each automated and broadcast email, but you will not see it on a test email.

The attached screenshot which will show the Unsubscribe link in the bottom left.

 I transfered someone's leads in bulk, but now I can't find them. What did I do wrong?

There could be a few reasons, but below is the most frequent reason.

  1. Have the new lead owner log out, log back in and then go to the Opportunities Tab. Do they see the transferred leads? If no, continue.
  2. Look in the top right. Change your view from looking at leads entered in the last 30 days and use the arrows to go back to previous months. How about now? If no, please contact Support for further assistance.
 I transferred leads, but calls didn't transfer. What did I do wrong?

When you transfer lead ownership, any NEW calls will be defaulted to the new lead owner, but it does not transfer previously scheduled appointments, calls or tasks.

You can transfer appointments, calls and/or tasks one by one through the previous lead owners monthly Agenda (remember to look forward to the next several months as well)


You can transfer these items in bulk

  1. Select the Admin Tab > Transfer

  2. Select the appropriate tab (Appointments, Calls or Tasks)

  3. From the Viewing drop down box on the LEFT side, choose the person from whom the items are being transferred.

  4. From the Viewing drop down box on the RIGHT side, choose the person to whom you are transferring the items.

  5. Click the arrow in the middle of the screen to transfer the selected items.