Release Notes: PT Sync for ABC DataTrak Customers

Release Notes: PT Sync for ABC DataTrak Customers


The InTouch PT Follow-Up Status Sync works seamlessly with ABC DataTrak to help clubs better engage and retain their members by increasing communications with prospective PT customers to sell personal training services. The PT Sync uses the DataTrak calendar to create Personal Training leads in InTouch and move them through the PT Lead lifecycle based on whether they have a PT Sales Appointment booked, completed, or cancelled.  This allows trainers and staff to use the DataTrak calendar for PT appointments to trigger InTouch's automated email, text and call follow-up schedules to create better and more direct messaging to PT leads, driving an increase in an all-important revenue stream.

Review of InTouch PT Follow-Up

The PT Lead Follow-Up lifecycle is similar to the membership lead lifecycle and is based on the InTouch PT Sales Appointment type. This specific appointment type is the initial PT Orientation where the club can shows the benefits of PT and is typically a complimentary session. When you create a PT Lead in InTouch, the lead starts in the No Appt Booked lifecycle group. As you schedule, complete, or cancel a PT Sales Appt, your PT Lead will move through the various lifecycle groups. Each lifecycle group can have it's own set of automated emails, texts and phone calls, just like the Membership lifecycle.

How InTouch PT Sync Works

1. During setup, you'll decide which DataTrak appointment types you want to map to the InTouch PT Sales Appt Status.

2. Book one of those appointment types in your DataTrak calendar for your lead or member.

3. The PT Sync runs every hour (at approximately 30 min past the hour).

  • If a PT Lead already exists in InTouch for that lead or member, InTouch will move that PT Lead to the appropriate PT Lead lifecycle group (e.g. PT Appt Booked)
  • If a PT Lead does not exist in InTouch for that lead or member, InTouch will create a PT Lead and move it to the appropriate PT Lead lifecycle group (e.g. PT Appt Booked). If the DataTrak Appointment Owner is mapped to an InTouch Staff, the PT Lead Owner will be set as the DataTrak Appointment Owner, otherwise it will be set to Unassigned.

4. If you change the appointment status in DataTrak, the status of the PT Lead in InTouch will change accordingly. This ensures that the PT Lead is being tracked through their sales process and getting the correct communication as scheduled in your club's PT Follow-Up communication plan. More specifically, if you...

  • Cancel the appointment
    The InTouch PT Lead will move back to the No Appt Booked status after the next sync job runs and will receive communications based around trying to book them an appointment.
  • Complete the appointment
    The InTouch PT Lead will move to the Completed Appt status after the next sync job runs and they will receive communications based around trying to sell them PT.

  • Reschedule the appointment
    The appointment status remains as PT Appt Booked so no change is made in InTouch.

  • Delete (completely remove) the appointment
    This also deletes the link between the InTouch PT Lead and the DataTrak Appointment, which means the InTouch PT Lead record can no longer be updated. It is strongly recommended that you do not delete appointments in your DataTrak. For final clarity, deleting an appointment in DataTrak is not the same as cancelling.


  1. Once the PT Lead is created in InTouch any appointment owner updates made in DataTrak will not update the InTouch PT Lead Owner. So if the lead went to Unassigned for the first appointment, and a new appointment is created with a different appointment owner, you will need to manually update the PT Lead Owner in InTouch.
  2. If more than one PT Sales Appointment is scheduled for the same lead, the appointment furthest into the future will control the status of the PT Lead. For example, if you book two appointments, one for May 1st and one for May 5th, and then cancel the May 1st appointment, the InTouch PT Lead will stay in the Appt Booked group because it is looking at the appointment for the May 5th. If you did the reverse and cancelled the May 5th appointment, then the status in InTouch will update to Cancelled.
  3. A PT sale made in DataTrak does not make a PT sale in InTouch at this time. We recommend clubs complete the InTouch Make Sale process to convert the PT Lead to a PT Client so that PT Clients start receiving PT Client follow-up calls, emails and text messages.
  4. It's also important to remember that while your club might call this type of initial appointment an 'orientation', the InTouch PT Sales Appointment is not the same as the actual InTouch Orientation appointment. If you are unsure of these two appointment types and how to set up InTouch to work best for your club, contact InTouch Support team for a complimentary review session.

How to get started

  1. Determine which of your DataTrak appointment types you want to have linked to your InTouch PT Sales Appointment.
  2. Review and update your InTouch PT FollowUp.
  3. Add your PT Staff to InTouch (if applicable).
  4. Contact Support Services to set up a time to enable this for your location. It's a quick and easy setup, but there are a couple things we'll want to walk through together to get started.
  5. Make sure your staff understand the new process and go!