No Club Visit
Hi $!{user.firstName}, you're invited for a tour of $!{} so we can help you get started reaching your fitness goals. You can book a tour by calling $!{club.telephone}
Visited Club
Hi $!{user.firstName}, how was your tour of $!{}? You can call me anytime to help you get started reaching your fitness goals. $!{club.telephone}. $!{owner.firstName}
Hi $!{user.firstName}, how is your trial membership at $!{} going? Make sure you use all your free days. $!{owner.firstName} $!{club.telephone}
Expired Trial
Hi $!{user.firstName}, how was your trial membership at $!{}? Call me anytime to help you get started reaching your fitness goals. $!{owner.firstName} $!{club.telephone}
Referral Sales Follow-Up
Hi $!{user.firstName}, I hope you're enjoying $!{}. Remember you can bring a buddy along for a free workout, call me to set this up $!{owner.firstName} $!{club.telephone}
Hi $!{user.firstName}, Welcome to $!{clubname}. I'm here to help you get started with your membership. Call $!{club.telephone} or text me to get going. $!{owner.firstName}