- FIRST: We will try and match three fields: full name, email, mobile
- Full name: the firstname and lastname concatenated with a space. Case insensitive comparison (some CMSs often have uppercase names, InTouch does initial caps)
- Email: case insensitive comparison. No other modifications required
- Mobile/Cell #: strip non-digits and compare directly.
- SECOND: If we find no matches or multiple matches in the 1st step, We will try and match two fields : full name & email
- THIRD: If we find no matches or multiple matches in the 2nd step, We will try and match two alternative fields: full name & mobile/cellphone #
- Actions on matching results:
- If we find exactly one match, then the InTouch record is converted to a member and the CMS GUID is updated in InTouch so the 2 records are sync'ed
- If we find multiple matches, we cannot be certain which is the correct record so we Insert a NEW MEMBER in InTouch (this way the number of members in InTouch should match the number of members in CMS)
- If we find NO matches we Insert a NEW MEMBER in InTouch (this way the number of members in InTouch should match the number of members in CMS)
Notes: The Sales Rep in ABC will not pass to the InTouch lead during Prospect to Member conversion. Whomever the Lead Owner was in InTouch will remain as the lead owner. The sales's "Sold By" and the new member's "Member Owner" will not be set. This should always be set manually within InTouch.
Convert Member to Ex-Member