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The InTouch Connector sends leads entered in InTouch to a connected Club Management System (CMS) or billing system. These leads should then be converted to members in InTouch by clicking "Make Sale" in InTouch and then converted to a member in the CMS.


  1. Sometimes staff forget to click "Make Sale" in InTouch but they convert the lead to a member in the CMS, so the person keeps getting follow-up from InTouch as if they are still a lead.
  2. Sometimes a person joins online as a new member but the CMS does not lookup their lead record and convert that lead to a member so the person keeps getting follow-up from InTouch follow-up as if they are still a lead.
  3. Sometimes the staff don't look up the lead in CMS to convert it to a member but they enter a NEW member, so the new member keeps getting follow-up from InTouch follow-up as if they are still a lead.


There is a solution to the above for ABC Financial DataTrak customers only.

InTouch Connector has the following SmartMatch features that we can enable for the above customers: 

Convert Lead/Prospect to Member Hourly

  1. On an hourly basis, the InTouch Connector looks for a user that exists in InTouch as a prospect/lead, but already exists as a member in the CMS. In this case it will convert the InTouch prospect/lead to a Member. This is accomplished by looking at each CMS user GUID, and seeing if we have a matching user in the Connector database. 
  2. If there is no match by CMS GUID (e.g.the user exists in CMS as a member but does not exist in InTouch with a matching GUID or was entered as a new member in the CMS. This happens for Problem 2 & 3 above) the InTouch Connector searches for a matching user in InTouch via our Smart Match feature as follows: 
  • FIRST: We will try and match three fields: full name, email, mobile
    • Full name: the firstname and lastname concatenated with a space. Case insensitive comparison (some CMSs often have uppercase names, InTouch does initial caps)
    • Email: case insensitive comparison. No other modifications required
    • Mobile/Cell #: strip non-digits and compare directly.  
  • SECOND: If we find no matches or multiple matches in the 1st step, We will try and match two fields : full name & email
  • THIRD: If we find no matches or multiple matches in the 2nd step, We will try and match two alternative fields: full name & mobile/cellphone #
  • Actions on matching results:
    • If we find exactly one match, then the InTouch record is converted to a member and the CMS GUID is updated in InTouch so the 2 records are sync'ed
    • If we find multiple matches, we cannot be certain which is the correct record so we Insert a NEW MEMBER in InTouch (this way the number of members in InTouch should match the number of members in CMS)
    • If we find NO matches we Insert a NEW MEMBER in InTouch (this way the number of members in InTouch should match the number of members in CMS)

Notes: The Sales Rep in ABC will not pass to the InTouch lead during Prospect to Member conversion. Whomever the Lead Owner was in InTouch will remain as the lead owner. The sales's "Sold By" and the new member's "Member Owner" will not be set. This should always be set manually within InTouch.

Convert Member to Ex-Member

Similar to convert Lead/prospect to member, the InTouch Connector will look up by CMS GUID and if they are still a member in InTouch, yet an ex-member in CMS then we convert them to an ex-member in InTouch Follow-Up using the GUID mathc ONLY - if a GUID match is not found then we do not search by matching fullname, email and cellphone (this is because when we do so we often find a matching duplicate lead for ex members and this leads to a member being converted incorrectly).


New Member joins Online to your CMS (Creates duplicate record in CMS)

Use Case: A lead is added to InTouch, and sent to CMS with GUID 'AAA'. At some point the person just goes online and uses your CMS's Online Sign-Up feature and signs up a new account and becomes a member. Now we have 2 records for this user in CMS (one lead and one member), and a single original lead record in InTouch Follow-up.

So in the SmartMatch search we will have a new CMS member record (i.e. no match on GUID). So we need to search for any users in InTouch that match based on the SmartMatch criteria (Fullname, Email, Mobile). Here's what will happen: 

  1. If the fullname and email address and cellphone of the online joiner and the lead in InTouch exactly match and there is only one of them, then we convert lead to member (Make Sale)
  2. If the fullname and email address  of the online joiner and the lead in InTouch exactly match and there is only one of them, then we convert lead to member (Make Sale)
  3. If the fullname and cellphone of the online joiner and the lead in InTouch exactly match and there is only one of them, then we convert lead to member (Make Sale)
  4. If the fullname does not exactly match then a NEW MEMBER record will be created in InTouch.
    1. Note that this means they could potentially keep getting lead follow- up and now member follow-up because they existed multiple times in InTouch before they joined or because their fullname does not match.

New Member Manually Added to CMS by staff

Use Case: A staff manually added a member in CMS and therefore the member is not in InTouch Follow-Up. The order of operations here would be

  • In the SmartMatch search we will have a new CMS member record (i.e. no match on GUID). So we need to search for any users in InTouch Follow-Up that match based on the SmartMatch criteria (Fullname, Email, Mobile). Here's what will happen: 

    1. If the fullname and email address and cellphone of the online joiner and the lead in InTouch exactly match and there is only one of them, then we convert lead to member (Make Sale)
    2. If the fullname and email address  of the online joiner and the lead in InTouch exactly match and there is only one of them, then we convert lead to member (Make Sale)
    3. If the fullname and cellphone of the online joiner and the lead in InTouch exactly match and there is only one of them, then we convert lead to member (Make Sale)
    4. If the fullname does not exactly match then a NEW MEMBER record will be created in InTouch.
      1. Note that this means they could potentially keep getting lead follow- up and now member follow-up because they existed multiple times in InTouch before they joined or because their fullname does not match.
  • IMPORTANT things to remember
    • It is important that staff capture the same fullname spelling as that entered in InTouch Follow-up or else a match will not be found
    • It is important that staff capture and email address and cellphone number when they enter the new member in CMS or a match will not be found.
    • The Join date of the member is the date we ran this process, this process runs hourly on the hour  (local) so make sure all members are entered in ABC Datatrak before 11pm on the join date.

Existing Member Manually cancelled in CMS by staff (or auto-expires) but not Expired in InTouch Follow-Up

Use Case: A staff manually expired a member in CMS or member record auto expires in CMS but not in InTouch Follow-Up and therefore the person is still getting member follow-Up. The order of operations here is: 

  • In the SmartMatch search we should always have a match on CMS GUID. So overnight we convert the InTouch Follow-Up member record to a Former Member record.
  • Now this person will no longer get member communications.

Implementation Logic in more detail

When we first send a Lead/Prospect that was created in InTouch first to the CMS we always record the CMS GUID on their InTouch record. So when we start the smart match sync the following steps occur: 

  • Step 1 - First we process conversions. i.e. those that have a matching CMS GUID in InTouch. Any record that was converted is excluded from further processing. So if we convert someone from a lead/prospect to member, we don't include that person in further matching. If a record is processed, but no match found, then that record moves to the next level of smart matching
  • Step 2 - Next we process member records that did not have a match by CMS GUID in InTouch. (Note that leads/prospects in CMS that do not have a match by CMS GUID in the Connector are ignored.)
    • Search for matches by ANY of the 3 fields. (Fullname, Email, Cellphone #)
      • If a records that match all 3 fields is unique we convert that lead/prospect to a member and remove this record from further matching.
    • Records that remain are now matched on Fullname and email only 
      • If a records that match both fields is unique we convert that lead/prospect to a member and remove this record from further matching.
    • Records that remain are now matched on Fullname and cellphone only 
      • If a records that match both fields is unique we convert that lead/prospect to a member and remove this record from further matching.
    • Records that remain are now limited to those where either MULTIPLE records match or NO records match, in this case we cannot be certain which of the multiple records is correct so we INSERT a NEW MEMBER to InTouch Follow-Up.

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