Computer Issues: The First Step to Troubleshooting

Computer Issues: The First Step to Troubleshooting

Computers are constantly changing and programs are constantly updating. The top issue we find when something isn't working is that it's a local computer issue. Here are some basic first steps you should take any time you find something 'odd' or 'weird' or 'broken' in InTouch Follow-Up as these steps solve many issues.

  1. Reboot your computer. 

  2. Try a different browser (i.e.: Firefox, Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, Safari, etc)

  3. Make sure your computer meets our minimum Computer Requirements

  4. Clear the cache on your browser: http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache

  5. Check your Adobe Flash: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html
    1. Do you have it and is it up to date
    2. Is it enabled in your appropriate browser(s)

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