All about Texting
Please note that the following features will be available from APRIL 1st 2013 to US customers only. These features will only be available to customers who upgrade to text message bundles via our online payment service.
This section contains information on ...
- Why texting works
- How to sign up for Text Features or change your text bundle package
- Text Conversations
- Text Blasts
- Text Permissions (setting up which staff roles can send text messages)
- Troubleshooting Text Features
- Text Reports and how to keep track of your text message count
Unsubscribe Options for Text, Email and Phone Calls
Some leads and members don’t want to (or can’t) receive text messages or your emails so they need a way to opt out of receiving them. There are now several ways leads and members can opt out of receiving emails and/or text messages as follows:
- Contact Preferences for each Lead and Member
Use this if a customer calls you and asks you to remove them from your contact list. Each lead and member now has a new tab labeled Preferences where you can select how the lead does or does not wish to be contacted. You can also unsubscribe someone from Text Messages on the Messages tab.
- Updated Email Unsubscribe link
All emails that are sent out through InTouch Follow Up have an Unsubscribe link at the very bottom so users can unsubscribe themselves. This link has been updated to show the following options for all communication methods:
- Opt-Out by Text Message Reply
Users can opt themselves out without contacting you so they stop receiving text messages. They simply respond to a text with the words “STOP” or “UNSUBSCRIBE”. This method will automatically update the lead or member’s Contact Preferences to stop all text messages. To begin receiving text messages again, they can reply again with “START” or “SUBSCRIBE”. HELP is a standard message that will send a reply message to the lead/member giving instructions on how to unsubscribe via text.
4.4 Text Messages Count Report
Keep track of your club’s text message usage in the Text Messages Count Report.
Outgoing Messages
- Appointment Alert: The number of text messages sent for your appointment reminders (e.g. your Club Tour Text Alert).
- Broadcast: The number of text messages sent for your Text Blasts
- 1-1 Text Conversations (or Ad-hoc): Shows the number of text messages sent for 1-1 text conversations. These could be initiated by staff or replies to leads/members by staff.
- Staff Alert: The number of text messages sent to a staff’s mobile number when a lead or member replies to a text message. Alert notifications can be sent by Text, Email or just by using the notification icon within your application. Settings are located in Admin>Club in the bottom right. This is an existing feature whose default setting is OFF.
- Auto-Responses: The number of responses sent automatically to incoming new text leads plus the number of responses sent to subscription command texts received from your customers.
Incoming Messages
Incoming Lead: This is linked to your Text-In number and shows the number of new leads that texted their name to your Text-In number
Reply to Outbound: The number of texts to which a lead or member replied. For example, it includes when someone replies to an Appointment Alert, a Text Blast or a 1-1 Text Conversation.
Subscription Command: This shows the number of incoming texts received for leads that enter the STOP, UNSUBSCRIBE, START, SUBSCRIBE or HELP commands.
The total number of text messages to be charged to your club or deducted from your pre-purchased text bundle
To access this report:
Go to Reports>Live Reports
Scroll to the bottom for the Text Messages Count Report
Click Get Report
Enter in the date range you wish to view for when texts were sent and/or received
Click Get Report
4.6 Text Usage Alert
To help you keep track of your club's Text Message usage, we've added an automated alert that can email you when your club is approaching 80% of its monthly text message bundle allowance.
Anyone that is listed with a permission of Administrator will automatically be added to this email alert when your club has the Text Features enabled (Refer to Section 4.5). We recommend you whitelist or add "" as a contact so this alert doesn't go to a spam filter.
To view or change who receives this alert:
- Go to Reports > Email Reports
- Find the Text Usage Alert and click Get Report
- Anyone on the right is currently subscribed to this alert and all other staff will be on the left. To add someone, click the green + icon next to the staff's name on the left side. To remove someone, click the trash can icon next to the staff's name on the right side.
- Save