InTouch InSights

InTouch InSights is a robust reporting tool engineered to drive your clubs at a glance with the ability to monitor, drill down and make decisions based on your club's most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


Goals allows you to set actionable, targeted company, club and individual goals aligned with your sales team's KPIs. Once Goals are set, you can monitor club and staff performance in InSights. Staff can also monitor their own with individual dashboards in InSights.

Best Practices

  • Improve Sales Performance using the M.A.D. Process: This (recorded) webinar, hosted by Jonas Fitness and featuring InTouch, will explain the M.A.D. process of how to Monitor and Analyze your data to make better Decisions and improve your sales performance. Check it out!
  • How to Use Data to Drive Effective Decision Making: This whitepaper will teach you how to gain actionable insights from your sales funnel data by using the M.A.D process (Monitor, Analyze & Decide). Each step of the M.A.D process is explained along with the most important metrics associated with it.