Client Guide for Motionsoft Moso

Client Guide for Motionsoft Moso

Understanding Data Integration

The InTouch/Moso integration currently allows for insert/update of prospects in InTouch. This simply means the integration is one-way only. Data entered or updated in Moso does not flow to InTouch.

How to get started

In order for InTouch to connect to MoSo, first a staff account must be created, and then a workstation which can be used. Below are some details, but for additional assistance in how to add a staff account into your MoSo site, please contact your Motionsoft representative.

1. MoSo - Create a staff account that will be used by the integration

  1. Click 'Staff & User' in the menu on the left side
  2. Click 'Add New Employee'
  3. Enter a first name of "InTouch", and a last name of "Integration". Click 'Next'
  4. In the "Employee Information" screen, the following fields are also required
    1. Date of birth. Enter any valid values here (e.g. Jan 1, 1970)
    2. Gender. Enter any valid values here (e.g. Male)
    3. Hire date. Enter today's date
    4. Payroll ID. InTouch cannot advise what to enter here
    5. Look-up Initials: INTCH
    6. Home Facility: Choose the club/facility for this staff
  5. In the "User Access" screen
    1. Username: Choose a unique username. This will have to be given to InTouch
    2. Password: Choose a secure password. This will have to be given to InTouch
    3. A password question and answer is also required
  6. There only needs to be one staff created for InTouch, despite the fact that a home facility must be chosen

2. MoSo - Create a workstation that will be used to access a club

  1. Click 'System Configuration' in the menu on the left side
  2. Under the 'Workstations & Devices' section click 'Workstations'
  3. Access will need to be granted to each club. 
  4. Click 'Add' (double arrow near Business unit).
  5. Name: Choose a unique name. We recommend you prefix it with 'intouch' to identify that this workstation ID is in use by InTouch. This will have to be given to InTouch
  6. Active: must be 'Active'
  7. Location: Choose a location (i.e. club or facility). This must match the club this will be used for in InTouch.
  8. Type: Choose Workstation
  9. Time Zone: Choose the correct time zone for the club
  10. Allow Interactive Log-In: Yes
  11. Permanent Log-In: Yes

3. MoSo - Determine "business unit code" for the club

  1. Click 'System Configuration' in the menu on the left side
  2. Under the "Enterprise & Business Unit Setup" section click 'Enterprise Configuration'
  3. Click 'Set Up/Modify Business Units'
  4. For the desired club, locate the 'Code' (second column). This will have to be given to InTouch

4. InTouch - Ask your customer service representative to enable the integration

  1. Once your MoSo is set up, please email support@intouchtechnology.com to ask your client solutions representative to enable the integration
  2. Give the username and password from step 1
  3. For each club, give the workstation name from step 2
  4. For each club, give the 'business unit code' from step 3
  5. For each club give us URL (unique per enterprise)
  6. For each club give us 5 MoSo contact fields names that match Intouch contact fields. The information we need is found under 'System Configuration' > 'Member Configuration' and at the bottom is 'Define Contact Type and Purposes'. Here there is "Postal Address Types", "Email Address Types", and "Phone Number Types"

MoSo Staff Username:


MoSo Staff Password:


MoSo API URL________________________________________________________________
MoSo API Port (default -1)________________________________________________________________
MoSo Scheme (default HTTPS)________________________________________________________________
MoSo postal address type that 
matches InTouch Address
MoSo home phone type that 
matches InTouch Home phone
MoSo work phone type that 
matches InTouch Work phone
MoSo cell phone type that 
matches InTouch Cell phone
MoSo email type that 
matches InTouch email

MoSo to InTouch
Club ID Mapping

Club NameInTouch Club IDMoSo Business Unit CodeMoSo Workstation ID/ Endpoint Key