Adding or Editing Staff

Adding or Editing Staff

Staff Accounts

This section describes how to add and edit staff, including how to change passwords when staff have trouble logging in.

To access the staff page:

  1. Log into FollowUp at https://app.intouchfollowup.com
  2. Go to the Admin tab
  3. Select Staff on the blue bar
    To view staff listed as active, keep Status on Active
    To view staff that have been de-activate, change Status on Inactive

To add a new staff account:

  1. From the Admin Links Menu, click New Staff 
  2. In the Staff window fill out Contact Details and Login Information 
    Note: Fields marked with a red * are required 
  3. Ensure Status is Active Select Permissions (position/role at club – see next section for more detail) 
  4. Click Save

To edit information for an existing staff account:

Use this to reset someone’s username or password if they forget it or are having trouble logging in

  1. Highlight the existing staff member you wish to edit
  2.  Click Edit
  3. Make the necessary changes
  4. Click Save

To deactivate an existing staff account:

This will de-activate this person’s Username and Password, but keep their information for reporting

  1. Highlight the existing staff member you wish to edit

  2. Click Edit

  3. Change Status to Inactive

  4. Click Save

To reactivate a staff account:

  1. Under Status in the top left, change the view to Inactive
  2. Highlight the existing staff member you wish to edit

  3. Click Edit

  4. Change Status to Active

  5. Click Save