Here are some things to look at in regards to bounce-backs:
1. Look at some of the bounce back emails in your inbox- what is the email address of the intended recipient?
2. Is it a valid email address?
3. What is the content of the message back from the ISP? Does it tell you why email bounced?
4. How many emails did you send out? Ie: If this was an ALL MEmbers email, approximately how many active members do you have?
5. How many emails bounced back? As a percentage of ALL emails sent, is this more than 20%? If yes then perhaps there is an issue at InTouch but if it is less than 20% then it means 80% of emails reached the intended recipient.
6. To correct bounce-backs, look up that lead or member in your InTouch Follow-Up application and correct the email address, remove it or unsubscribe it so no further email attempts are made.