Phone Calls


Phone Calls

This section will describe how to make calls scheduled on your Agenda.

Make a Phone Call

EXAMPLE: From the Agenda Tab, make a phone call and add a note

  1. Move cursor over the Action button

  2. Click Make Call

  3. Move cursor over the next Action button and click the appropriate option

  4. Enter your notes about the phone call

  5. Click Save

Reschedule a Phone Call

Occasionally you will need to reschedule a call. For example, if the Lead says they will be out of town for a week, you may need to reschedule the next call for when they are back in town.

  1. From the Agenda Tab, move your cursor over the Action button of the call you wish to reschedule

  2. Click Reschedule Call

  3. Click on the day for the new call

  4. Optional, but recommended: Enter details of why you are rescheduling the call

  5. Click Reschedule

Cancel a Phone Call

  1. From the Agenda Tab, move your cursor over the Action button of the call you wish to cancel

  2. Click Cancel Call

  3. Enter your reason for cancelling the call

  4. Click Cancel Call

Make a Call and Book a Tour

  1. From the Agenda Tab, move your cursor over the Action button and click Make Call

  2. Click Answered

  3. Add your notes and click Save

  4. From the Follow-­‐Up box, click Schedule Appt

  5. Select appointment owner, date and time

  6. Click Schedule